Thank you for applying to Little School of the Redwoods!
Little School of the Redwoods is a full-day preschool located near the campus of Del Norte College of the Redwoods at 860 Small Avenue, Crescent City, California.
We are open Monday through Friday from 7:45 am to 5:30 pm.
License #: 085406051
Our Mission
To provide innovative, high-quality, play-based learning experiences for children ages 2.9-8, regardless of parent income or religious preferences. Our curriculum will reflect the best practices in early childhood education, with student progress measured through regular, classroom-integrated assessments of students’ cognitive, emotional, physical, social and civic development.
Our Rates:
Enrollment Fee- $75.00.
Full-Time Slot (25+ Hours/Week) - $750.00/month
Part-time Slot (24 Hours or less/Week) - $475.00/month
The child’s authorized representative should make payments out to: Del Norte Child Care Council/LSR (DNCCC/LSR)
We help parents and families apply for subsidies when they are available through the Del Norte Child Care Council.
Fees are due on the 1st of each month. If the 1st falls on a weekend or holiday, payment is due on the first day the center reopens. Tuition is considered delinquent if not received within one week of the 1st; at this point, a $25 late fee will be applied to your next bill. If you plan to be on vacation, please arrange to leave a check with us beforehand. Timely payments are crucial for the smooth operation of our school. Continued late payments may result in the refusal of care.
Payment plans can be arranged with prior approval from the Del Norte Child Care Council Fiscal Office.
Bounced checks (NSF) will incur a $30 fee. You have three business days to pay the outstanding balance plus the NSF fee. After this, we will only accept cash, money orders, or cashier’s checks.
Please don't be late picking up your child. We understand that sometimes situations arise that make it hard for you to be on time when picking up your child; because of this, we have a 5-minute grace period. If you are still not here after the first five minutes, you will be charged an overtime fee of $15.00 for every 15 minutes or portion thereof that you are late. This fee will be applied to your next month’s bill. There will be no first offenses waived or exceptions made to this rule.
All holidays and in-service days taken by Little School of the Redwoods are paid closures.
All students will undergo a two-week probationary period to ensure we are the right fit for you and your family. If, at any time after this, we feel that we can no longer meet your child's needs, you will be given one week's notice of the termination of care.
Two weeks written notice is required before removing your child from care. Email is not considered written notice. If there is a positive balance once care has ended, that balance will be refunded to the authorized representative.
All modification conditions made to this agreement will be effective thirty (30) days after notice has been given; signed and dated by the child’s authorized representative and the representative of The Little School of the Redwoods.
Parents, please note:
The Department of Social Services has the authority to interview children or staff without prior consent.
The Department of Social Services also has the authority to inspect, audit, and copy child or child care center records upon demand during regular business hours. Records may be removed if necessary for copying.
The use or disclosure of financial or other information maintained in your family file will be limited to purposes directly connected with the administration of the Little School of the Redwoods. No use of this information may be made without the parent’s written consent. Parents of children enrolled in the program shall have access to all information in the family file. The licensing authority for this preschool may review children’s records and interview children and staff without parental consent.
You are responsible for knowing all information contained in the Admissions Agreement